Joan Kugler
Penn State Master Gardener

A new growing season is just around the corner, and South Park Learning Garden is ready with a schedule in place for preparing, planting, maintaining, and educating. We will be ready to welcome the public with a place to enjoy and learn. The garden is located at the South Park Theatre site. As Theatre performers start their rehearsals for the 2023 season, we will be busy expanding our presence all around the site. Here is a list of action highlights:

*April 29th (10 AM – 2 PM in the Home-Ec building) There will be a sale of native plants, greenhouse-grown by Penn State Master Gardeners. An Ask a Master Gardener table will be included, plus an informal tour of our garden at the Theatre site.

July 19th (5:30 at the Theatre site) A Walk-n-Talk Presentation of Native Plants will be conducted by one of our volunteers. Come see what’s growing!

*August 19th (time TBA at the Theatre site) Garden in the Parks, our big annual event, returns featuring lots of informational tables, speakers, children’s activities, garden walk-n-talks and more!


September 6th (5:30 at the Theatre site) How Did This Garden Happen? A presentation on the history of South Park and its impact on designing South Park Learning Garden will be given by Joan Kugler.

Volunteers will be on-site Wednesdays (10-12 & 4:30-6:30) from mid-April through mid-October. We welcome your visit!

*For further information, visit the Allegheny County Master Gardeners website: